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sheryl*jingting chinese image
♥ Friday, March 21, 2008 ♥
our great PIONEERS~

Dr Yusof Ishak :
Yusof Bin Ishak, also known as Yusof Ishak, the First President of Singapore.Yusof Ishak was born in the year 1910 in Padang Gajah, Perak.Yusof Ishak was rose in a humble beginning and soon became the 1st Malayan-born Yang Di-Pertuan Negara (Head of State) on 3 December 1959.In year 1965, 9th of August, Yusof Ishak became the First President of Singapore.
Dr Benjamin Sheares:

Benjamin Henry Sheares, also known as Benjamin Sheares, the 2nd President of Singapore.Benjamin Sheares was born in 1907 in Singapore. Race of an Eurasian.Before Benjamin Sheares accepted his post as the 2nd President of Singapore, he was an Obstetrician (surgical specialty dealing with the care of a woman and her offspring during pregnancy) at Kandang Kerbau Hospital (KK) and also a Professor at the University of Malaya.

Tan Tock Seng Born: 1798 Birthplace: Malacca Died: 1850Age: 52Achievement: Setting up Tan Tock Seng HospitalTan was a prosperous Singapore businessman of the early 1800s, known particularly for his generosity to the poor. He contributed heavily to the 1844 construction of a new hospital for the indigent, which was then named Tan Tock Seng Hospital. After Tan's death in 1850 his son Tan Kim Ching continued the family's support for the hospital, which continues as one of Singapore's most prominent medical centers.
Hoo Ah Kay (Whampoa)
Hoo Ah Kay was also known as Whampoa after his birthplace near Canton, China. In 1830, as a 14-year-old boy, he came to Singapore to help his father in the family business. His father arrived in Singapore during the early days of the Straits Settlements and had a shop at the corner of Bonham Street and Boat Quay which supplied the docking ships with food such as beef, bread and vegetables.
His facility in English was a definite asset in dealing with European merchants and he soon became one of the key businessmen of his time. Hoo Ah Kay continued the business after his father died. His shop, Whampoa & Co. soon supplied provisions to the British navy. He was well known for his bakery in Havelock Road, his house, Whampoa Garden and his warehouse, Whampoa ice house in Clarke Quay.
Whampoa held many prominent positions. He was the first Chinese to be made a non-official member of the Legislative Council in 1867. He was also the Singapore Consul for Russia, China and Japan. His influence, advice and services were often welcomed by the Governors. He was awarded the Companion of the Order of St Michael and St George by Queen Victoria. He died at the age of sixty-four on the 27th of March, 1880.

Sang Nila Utama:
Sang Nila Utama, also known as Sri Tri Buana, is a legendary Malay prince who founded ancient Singapore in the country's ancient history. According to the Malay Annals, the prince ruled the island from 1299 to 1347.
Thomas Stamford Raffles was born at sea on board a ship Ann on the 6th of J
Thomas Stamford Raffles was born at sea on board a ship Ann on the 6th of July, 1781 off the coast of Jamaica. In 1795, the young man accepted his first job in the East India Company as a clerk. But he studied hard in his spare time and in 1804, was posted to Penang (then Prince of Wales Island) and promoted to Assistant Secretary to the Presidency of that Malaysian island. His mastery over the Malay language made him indispensable to the British Government, and he was later appointed Malay translator to the Government of India. In 1811, he returned as the Lieutenant Governor of Java, and was soon promoted to Governor of Bencoolen (now Sumatra). On 19th January, 1819, Raffles founded modern Singapore and first mooted the idea which led to the establishment of the Raffles Museum on the island.
In her memoirs of him, his wife Lady Sophia Raffles, also mentions his zoological collection, among which were beautiful specimens of tapirs, rhinoceros and barking deer. She mentions that these were sent to England. Raffles also kept some animals as pets. A Sun Bear cub he reared with his children reportedly often joined him for dinner, eating mangoes and drinking champagne.
Lim Yew Hock:
In March 1957, Lim Yew Hock led another all-party delegation to London for constitutional talks.This time, an agreement was reached.
The problem of control over internal security, which was unresolved at the 1957 Merdeka Talks, was solved by appointing a representative from the Federation of Malaya on the council. This member would have a casting vote.
David Marshall:
IN 1927, a gangly 19-year-old with the looks of a matinee idol gave his first public speech at the YMCA.
Referring to a Straits Times report that a member of the British parliament had called Singapore "a pestilential and immoral cesspool", he knotted his dark bushy brows and, fixing his audience with a baleful stare, thundered: "Who is responsible for making this cesspool?"
Syed Mohammed bin Syed Ahmad Alsagoff:

Syed Mohammed bin Syed Ahmad Alsagoff was a wealthy trader. He belived that childern should learn to read and write. He donated money to build the Alsogoff Arab School. The school was completed in 1912.
Syed Omar Bin Ali Aljuined:
Masjid Omar Kampong Melaka, located off Havelock Road, on the south bank of the Singapore River, is Singapore's first and oldest mosque. It was constructed in 1820, only a year after Raffles' founding of Singapore. The mosque was to serve the local Muslim community but grew to accommodate Muslim immigrants from nearby Indonesia to far-flung Middle-East.
N. Veerasamy Naidu:
N. Veerasamy Naidu was interested in medicine and read books on it. He learnt how to use
herbs to treat illnesses. He also learnt Western medicine when he worked in a clinic. Through hard work and dertermination, he became rice. He then set up a clinic for the people. Many people came to him for treatment.
Major William Farquhar:
Raffles left Singapore soon after signing the agreement with Sultan Hussein and Temenggong. Major William Farquhar was put in charge of the British trading settlement. He was faced with many problems in starting a new trading settlement.
Maria Dyer:
Maria Dyer, a missionary from Britain started a school for girls in 1842. this school was know as Chinese Girls' School. Later, it renames St Margaret;s School. It is the oldest girls' school in Singapore.
Jose d'Almeida:
Jose d'Almeida came from Portugal. He was a doctor on a ship. When he came to Singapore,he set up a clinic in Commercial Squar. He providede medical care for many sick people. His patients liked him as he was kind and friendly.
Gan Eng Seng:
Gan Eng Seng came from Melaka when he was 16 years old. His family was poor and he did not have much education. He worked hard and became rich. He founded the Anglo-Chinese Free School for boys from poor families. This school was later renames Gan Eng Seng School.
Seah Eu Chin:
Seah Eu Chin was a rich plantation owner. He was always ready to help others. The helped to raise funds to run Tan Tick seng Hospital.

♥ ♥
hello let's introduce our members:

SEAN: he is the group leader, and prints the pioneers pictures

KELLY: she is the assitance leader, she cuts out the pictures of pioneers

DIANA: she is the serenity, and paste the pictures onto the cards

NEROSHENE: she is the time keeper, pasting the pioneers onto the cards

last but no least,

JOLYNN: she is the quiet master, make the box and instruction paper

thats the end. keep taqqinq!

♥ Thursday, March 20, 2008 ♥
Hello. Welcome to MEMORABLE~ this game is a card game which contains 32 cards altogether. This game is about pioneers.
Firstly, you turn all the cards facing down. You may play it alone or with your partner. Time will be given. Two minutes for begainers and one minutes for expert. ( please note that if you are playing with your partner, you will be playing serpretly.) if you are not playing the game with time, then when you and your partner plays the game, you will take turns. When it is your turn, You will flip open the cards. If it is a match then you will play again until you does not have a match. If it is your turn, but you did'n manage to get a match, then it will be your partners turn.
( please note that if you are not playing with time, you cannot play alone.)


You've came to memorable--x3.blogspot.com
Simply, a blog of Singapore Pioneers.
THanks for not spamming or ripping.
Taq b4 your leave.
THis blog is meant for everybody.
Enjoy your stay here.


Done by:
SEAN-group leader,
KELLY-assistance leader,
DIANA- Serenity,
JOLYNN-quiet master,
last but not least,
NEROSHENE-time keeper
Primary 4 enthu
Yew Tee Pri Sch

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